MMM Beverage Partner Ltd (MMM BP) in a few words
We supply products and services to our partners in 8 European countries and our mission and long term vision is to help beverage plants all over the world to cut down their quarantine time and save warehouse cost. We have developed, tested and introduced nucleic acid based Real-Time PCR systems for beverage industry which rapidly detect spoilage microorganisms.
Our system is approved by The Coca-Cola Company (SM-PR-675).
We are proud of our Real-Time PCR system being the first rapid PCR based microbiological method approved and recognized by Coca-Cola Hellenic as an alternative method to the conventional analysis. Coca-Cola Hellenic introduced our Real-Time PCR systems in their quality assurance system for detection of spoilage microorganisms.
Our professional background is built on our experienced biotechnologists and food engineers working in this special area for more than 15 years and powered by our well equipped laboratory. Our quality management system guarantees the first class products and services. We deliver on site manufactured products directly from stock even in 24 hours from Ordering. Our high quality application assistances ensure the satisfaction and the confidence of the customers.